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Why The Mandatory Military Service is Important words | 3 Pages When I think of sacrifice, honor, loyalty, and bravery, I think of the men and women who defend the United States of America. While I served five years in the United States Navy, I gained the knowledge and experience that has now enabled me to Mandatory Military Service On the other hand, most of the people believe that compulsory military service is simply a terrible act. They often argue that becoming one of the military officers is something which no one should lightly take it. This is because it needs the commitment to an extraordinary level and needs and desire to serve the nation · Getting training in military science is important and useful in ways more than one. That it makes the people disciplined, is beyond doubt. It also inculcates the noble qualities of service, sacrifice, devotion and dedication. Military training serves as Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins

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· All in all, the military service should be optional, not compulsory, and everyone should be granted freedom of choice and not being forced to something against his plans, nature or individual character and world-view. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but Compulsory Military Service: Saving our Youth. Many of the world’s modern ailments can be traced to a lack of discipline, inadequate educational opportunities for the young, and individual feelings of inadequacy. In order to treat these ailments, one scholar has noted that “Supporters of a system of national service would thus regard it as On the other hand, most of the people believe that compulsory military service is simply a terrible act. They often argue that becoming one of the military officers is something which no one should lightly take it. This is because it needs the commitment to an extraordinary level and needs and desire to serve the nation

· If the military service becomes mandatory, those who were not cut out the job will have a hard time coping up with the training and other demands. Though these concerns may be a big reason to disagree with this proposal, there are procedures and requirements before those who enlist are officially accepted into any branch of the armed forces · Mandatory Military Service Essay As many other countries mandate young adults partaking in the military for two years, the United States should follow suit. Many beneficial consequences would be rendered as a result of the increase in service. This would also be a great commencement into the real world for any young adult Compulsory Military Service: Saving our Youth. Many of the world’s modern ailments can be traced to a lack of discipline, inadequate educational opportunities for the young, and individual feelings of inadequacy. In order to treat these ailments, one scholar has noted that “Supporters of a system of national service would thus regard it as

· Currently, the military service in the United States does not presuppose compulsory conscription. Nevertheless, there is still the current practice of recruiting men under the age category from 18 to 25 for the Armed Forces, which raises concerns from a On the other hand, most of the people believe that compulsory military service is simply a terrible act. They often argue that becoming one of the military officers is something which no one should lightly take it. This is because it needs the commitment to an extraordinary level and needs and desire to serve the nation Compulsory Military Service: Saving our Youth. Many of the world’s modern ailments can be traced to a lack of discipline, inadequate educational opportunities for the young, and individual feelings of inadequacy. In order to treat these ailments, one scholar has noted that “Supporters of a system of national service would thus regard it as
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· Good Essays. Mandatory Military Service. Words. 2 Pages. Mandatory Military Service. use to have a Mandatory enlistment of any male of the age of 18 years old, but in the United States ended that Mandatory enlistment. It should be mandatory for teens to go into any branch of the military for at least two years On the other hand, most of the people believe that compulsory military service is simply a terrible act. They often argue that becoming one of the military officers is something which no one should lightly take it. This is because it needs the commitment to an extraordinary level and needs and desire to serve the nation · If the military service becomes mandatory, those who were not cut out the job will have a hard time coping up with the training and other demands. Though these concerns may be a big reason to disagree with this proposal, there are procedures and requirements before those who enlist are officially accepted into any branch of the armed forces
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